National reports

On this page we list a number of external reports, reviews, evaluation guidelines and public engagement strategies from across a variety of funders. We hope that you find these documents useful as a source of inspiration and information. We will update this page periodically as we become aware of new reports in the sector. [It is always useful to check if there is another more up to date version of the document, especially where documents are a few years old].



The Pathways to Culture Change is based on the work of the 10 Catalyst Seed Fund projects (CSFs) (which includes University of Birmingham). The report seeks to ensure that other HEIs can benefit from the insights of all 10 institutions involved in the CSF by sharing the journeys they have travelled, the learning they have done, and the tools they have generated.

The ten CSF projects were established in 2015 and have evidenced significant impact within their host universities. The Pathways to Culture Change report tells an encouraging story of what can be achieved relatively quickly with a limited budget. The report therefore provides useful insights for others wanting to develop their own project.

Research Councils UK

Research Councils UK (RCUK) is the strategic partnership of the UK’s seven Research Councils. The seven UK Research Councils are:

Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research

Research Councils UK Public Engagement with Research Strategy

STFC Public Engagement Strategy 2016-2021 

STFC Public Engagement: Attitudes Culture Ethos [Project Report, 2017]

NERC Public Engagement with Environmental Science 2016-2018 Strategy 

NERC Research Grants & Fellowships Handbook [details public engagement expectations]

MRC social media guidance (PDF, 559KB)

MRC public engagement and communications strategy 2014-19 (PDF, 1.07MB)

MRC QQR public engagement & communication guidance (PDF, 311KB)

MRC Evaluation & Reporting

BBSRC Public Engagement Strategy & Funding


EPSRC Public Engagement Guidance 

ESRC Public Engagement Guidance

ESRC Guidance for Collaboration
